
My Life in France * PART 2 | first days

Hello everybody,
today I'm here with a follow up to my last article of my life in France, so let's get right into it !

29th August

I arrived at 3:00 pm in a beautiful city called Saumur, with it's population of over 22 thousands inhabitants it's surely not New York but from the first moment I fell in love with this city.
As we were getting closer to my house i was getting more and more nervous but suddenly when i saw the family every doubt that i had before have disappeared. My host dad was already waiting for us, we started talking like we've known each other for years. I was surprised i thought i would be sitting there quietly but fortunately it was the opposite. They showed me my room which was just amazing i loved it, like if it was made for me i even had a little sink in my room how convenient ! :) The same day they took me to the town to show me my new home for next four months, they even showed me the castle I was speechless when i saw the view it's amazing.

1st September

First day of school, what can i say, this is a moment that's stressful for most people in their own country not in a foreign one. I was scared that i wouldn't understand or that the kids would be just mean and unfriendly but thankfully i was wrong. Right at the beginning, what struck me the most was the school, it's like a castle (it's the closest i'm getting to Hogwarts i guess :D) totally different from my school at home. It was a catholic school so of course there was a church that was are first stop we've been greeted by the director in all languages that you can imagine it was so funny listening to someone trying to pronounce words in your language but he tried that's what counts, right ? then as you can imagine we've been told some general informations, rules etc. but then the big moment came they just said "Now you're going to join your new classmates" That was so frightening but exciting at the same time. In my class there were 23 people from which only 6 were girls ! I've never been in a class were girls were a minority but i was curious what it's like being in a class like this. At first i was very shy but almost all of the girls in my class were super nice and they showed me everything so i don't get lost. After this introduction it was time to eat oh boy how i was looking forward to school cantines in France, the choices are endless first you get to pick up your appetizer usually you can choose from 3 then your cheese, there are more then 5 options, then of course your main meal which you can't choose :/ and to finish it off you get to choose your dessert and fruit. I just love this system ! Here is an example of what you can get.

First week

Overall my first week was full of new discoveries and culture shocks, first of all i was getting used to french lifestyle. Just to give you an example most of French people eat something sweet for breakfast which i like occasionally but not everyday but i got used to it overtime :D then another food oriented change was dinner time I'm used to eating at 5:00 pm but here you're not even home at 5:00 pm, in France expected dinner time is at 7:00 or even 8:00 pm but that's something you can get used to also. The worst change for me was the time I've spent in school, as i mentioned above in France many people finish school at 6:00 pm which is super late for me i was used to getting home before 4:00 pm everyday :D (Here's my timetable, just to give you an idea)
Besides all of these shocks at the end of my first week i finally stopped getting lost in the school, Mission accomplished ! and i started to understand what people want for me a little better.

So that's all for today, until next time, Katie :)

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