
My Life in France * PART 6 | wedding

Hello everybody,
for the longest time i wasn't even sure if I want to make an individual article about the wedding that I've attended while i was in France but It was such an amazing, well planned event that I just have to share my excitement with you.

2nd October

First of all I should tell you who's wedding it even was, it was a wedding of my host mum's niece. I was quite surprised that i was even invited considering I was a complete stranger to the family at that time. But as it turned out this is one of the most inviting generous family I could've imagined !! But let's return to the whole wedding. 

The wedding happened in Brest, one of the biggest if not the biggest cities of the Brittany region, it's about 4 hours of driving from where I lived so we took the car and the adventure was able to start. This was my first time visiting Brittany, in the past I have visited Dunkerque which is also situated in the north but it is not in the same region. Our first stop was Brest where my host family showed me the city a little bit because we still had plenty of time. Brest itself isn't especially charming or special but that has a lot to do with the fact that during WWII it was almost completely destroyed. The city had a modern feel to it which was nice but I prefer cities that have that historic background that we can see everywhere :) 

After our little walk it was time to go to the hotel and get prepared I only had about an hour so it was a very quick simple make up look. I think I'm going to post a short article about what i was wearing as my outfit and as my makeup look also ! The wedding was supposed to start at 4pm on Friday which is a very weird day for a wedding at least from what i know, for example in my country or even in France the tradition is for weddings to take place on Saturdays but the reason given for this unusual change was that the mayor wasn't working on Saturdays so i guess there was nothing that they could do about it. 

The whole wedding started with a classic civil ceremony the nice thing about it was that their son was a part of the ceremony ! How sweet :) It wasn't particularly long so about an hour later we went for the wedding reception that started with the cocktail hour. The food was AMAZING there were crepes, salty(typical of Brittany) and sweet also !! Then there were a lot of different kinds of small bite food and a lot of smoked meat, as I said it was amazing and so delicious.

After the cocktail hour we headed to the ball room where the main part of the reception was taking place. The way the room was decorated was amazing, theme of the wedding was social media so every table was some type of social site like Facebook or Twitter. I was sitting at the Twitter table. Another great idea was that we were given some M&M with the faces of the groom and the bride on them ! I want this for my wedding too :) Then we had the wedding dinner with so many courses that were all delicious ! We finished at about 1am and we headed back to our hotel completely tired.

3rd October

The next day we woke up pretty late at about 11am and we headed to another city about an hour away from Brest. The city is called Quimper and it is the city that my host family comes from so they know everything in this city. This city was completely different from Brest more historic and with a lot of character I really loved it especially the architecture of some of the houses. I'm just going to show you some picture to give you an idea of what we've seen.

The last thing that I was shown during our trip was BĂ©nodet, a little shore town with some beautiful beaches !

Overall I really loved Brittany as a whole I'm so glad that my family shared this part of their lives with me and that they showed me all these amazing places that they love :)

So this was the wedding and our little brittany trip it was amazing and I wish that my wedding will be at least as awesome and full of original ideas as this one :) 
That's it for today, until next time, bye :)

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