
My Life in France * PART 5 | first exams

Hello everybody,
yes it's true even in France you have to go through exams :D Because I was considered as a normal student i didn't have any special "treatment" in terms of tests and exams. Today I'm going to talk you through my first experience with exams in France.

9th September

I'm sure that nobody likes exams but it's a part of our lives that we have to go through my first ever written test well I wouldn't call it a test it was just a quick 5 minute thing but it was still my first experience with french system. It was a surprise test we didn't know in advance that something like this was planned, it happens sometimes in my home country also but it's on special occasions like when we really upset our teacher or something similar. Luckily the day before I was studying a little bit because in the back of my mind I had a feeling that this teacher is going to give us something i guess she has nothing better to do than to go through our exams. Even though I said that i was studying i totally forgot some important stuff which of course appeared in the test. I was so sad because I knew that I've prepared for it, but at the end it all worked out pretty well I've got 8/10 which is pretty good but still I was being tough on myself :D typical of me.

16th September

But this was nothing, my history exam that came next, that was one of the biggest challenges I have faced during my stay in France. First of all I don't like history at all I'm more interested in my present and my future than what happened expect for WWII which I'm really interested in ! But this time the subject was industrial revolution and Wall Street Crash. I'm not saying that this was a completely boring topic to talk about but I just hate memorizing and learning stuff like a poem. And I couldn't imagine how am I going to learn this in a foreign language but thankfully I had help. My host family was so helpful they've helped me and explained to me everything. I was so lucky to get a family with a teacher and even luckier because my host mum was a history teacher ! So we've sat down one afternoon and she helped me to understand what the whole topic is about after this it was so much easier to prepare. At the end I didn't have the best note in the class but i was certainly one of the better ones so I'm very satisfied.

During my stay in France I have done several types of exams first of all there were these quick 5 minute exams just from what we've done the day before, than there were some that needed a lot of writing something like essays, then a traditional multiple choices test and the last thing which really surprised me and it was my first time doing something like this was our practical activity which consisted of recognizing different types of rocks. And not just that, their composition and other details about them. It was super hard, especially in the beginning, I should also point out that this is something that's done during your college degree in my country !, but after a lot of practicing I've managed to successfully pass this exam also just to give you an idea what was it like I'm going to include some pictures that you can come across while working with a microscope.

So that's it everything that i can think of about french exams, one thing that I'm probably going to talk about in a different article is going to be a special type of exam called BAC !

Thanks for reading till the end, Katie :)

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