
Pear Chia Pudding * RECIPE | Healthy, Vegan

Hello fellow eaters !
today I have a simple breakfast recipe for you that's so easy to prepare yet so delicious. This recipe is also completely vegan, Yay so really I think everybody can enjoy this one. Also you can change up or add couple ingredients to adjust it to your taste, let's get to the ingredients even if there are only 3.

This recipe includes ingredients for 1 serving with 250 calories.

200 ml of soy milk (can substitute with almond, coconut or traditional milk if not vegan)
1 tbsp of chia seeds
1 pear (I also like using 1 banana or 1/2 of a mango)
*pinch of cinnamon or vanilla

So I started off by cutting my pear into cubes, that I put into my blender. Then I measured 200 ml of soy milk that I carefully poured into my blender alongside my pears as well. Now it's time to blend for couple second, I like to switch between different speeds so I won't get any clumps. When you feel like everything is nicely blended together you can pour your mixture into a jar, or a glass bottle basically in whatever container you want. I would suggest something that you can close because you're going to let it sit in the fridge for couple hours or overnight and you don't want to get that fridge smell don't you ? Then the last step is to add the chia seeds. Make sure that are no clumps of chia seeds at the bottom of the container because that happens to me quite often. if so use some long object to get rid of the clumps then shake your container so that the chia seeds get distributed evenly and your done ! Now the hardest part is to wait until it sets and gets to a pudding like consistency.

If you've never had chia seeds it works like a little magic, first it's just these hard seed that are floating in your liquid but if you let them sit for long enough they are going to absorb some of the liquid and really thicken your mixture and it will look really similar to a pudding.

That's it, it's simple as that to make this yummy pudding, feel free to try new combinations it's really fun to experiment with different flavors and different toppings, also a great thing about this recipe is that because you're using some fruit it's naturally sweetened and you can avoid adding any refined sugar to the mix !

Thanks for reading till next time bye :)

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