
Easy Coconut Chocolate Cake* RECIPE | Grain free, Refined sugar free

Hello everybody
I have something new for you today, my first chocolate cake. I wanted to please my father because he just won bronze medal with his junior ice hockey team YAY ! So I made him this delicious simple chocolate cake because he just always complains there is not enough chocolate in my cakes, well I usually do fruity desserts and I don't like mixing fruits and chocolate too often so that's probably true. But this time to celebrate this victory I decided to do something completely different, I was searching for a quick simple cake that would involve a lot of chocolate and so I found this one that I slightly modified to meat my needs and here is what I come up with.

For the crust:
200 g of shredded coconut
4 tbsp of butter (unsalted)
1 tbsp of honey

For the filling
3 bars of 60% or 70% dark chocolate (you can use semisweet of dark chocolate is not your thing)
360 ml of heavy whipping cream (33%)

Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (180°C).

So to start of with the crust your going to measure about 150 g of your shredded coconut into a bowl then you'll continue by mixing in 1 tbsp of honey and 4 tbsp of butter. The butter doesn't have to be dissolved it should be room temperature for best results.

Try to combine the coconut with the butter it's going to be more or less crumbly depending on how finely is your coconut shredded. Mine was kind of thick so it was really crumbly I was worried for a while but at the end I think it worked out nicely.

Then I started pressing my mixture in to the mould, I use a silicone one but I would recommend using something different just because the silicone is super slippery and it's really hard to create an even layer without pulling some of the coconut off.

Then when you think you have a nice foundation add the rest of the coconut about 50 g if you measured correctly and just press it onto your newly formed crust. Now it should look more solid, you want a 0,5 cm thick layer. If you'd like to have the coconut crust on the sides I would recommend using more coconut I opted to skip this step just because I found that it was difficult to do in my silicone mould but I can see this working in a tin mould for example.

So next step is to bake your crust for 5-10 minutes depending of your oven. Mine crust got golden pretty quick I was even worried that it got burnt but my mum assured me that it's fine next time I'm going to control it a little bit more. If you opted that you want that coconut crust one the sides I would recommend using a tin foil ring to cover up the edges so they don't end up burned as described in the original recipe that you can find here.

When my crust was done I let it cool on my counter and continued by making the chocolate ganache filling. First I've put my heavy whipping cream into a pot/pan and brought it to a boil over medium heat. It took less than 5 minutes and you know that your cream is boiling when you see little bubbles on the side of your pot.

 When you finally see that your cream is ready turn the heat off and put your dark chocolate in, you want to chop the chocolate before hand so that it melts quicker.

Then leave the chocolate in for 10 minutes alone without mixing it just as it is it's going to look like "chocolate milk" with little bits of chocolate in it but don't worry it will transform into this beautiful smooth chocholate filling just as you started mixing it in.

So after 10 minutes have passed your chocolate should be mostly melted and ready to be incorporated with the cream, I just took a spatula and mixed it together until a rich smooth chocolate mixture formed in front of my eyes.

Then I carefully poured it onto my coconut crust and let it sit in the fridge for couple hours ideally overnight.

Of course we couldn't wait so here is the finished product. I hope that you liked another dessert recipe, I have been trying to make something different this time so I hope you appreciate that :) Until next time Bye

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