
Sweet Potato Chips * RECIPE | Healthy

Hello everybody,
today I have probably one of the simplest recipes for you, the best part about it all is that it's a healthy and delicious recipe as well. I'm going to share with you my recipe for sweet potato chips. Just recently I have discovered the beauty of sweet potatoes, I think that these are just such a wonderful ingredient that has a very special flavor that I haven't seen before. For these chips I was inspired by the vegetable beet chips that I have seen while I was in England and France but couldn't find them anywhere near me so I decided to replicate them and this is how I did it.

Sweet Potato (use depending on how many you'll want to make I used 1 sweet potato that was 300 g)
pinch of salt
baking paper

After I preheated my oven to 180 °C (300 °F) I started to peel my sweet potato, I don't think that you have to peel it if you wash it well but I like it when it's nice and peeled so I went ahead and did that.

Then I washed it under cold water and started to cut it into thin circles. Try to make them as even as possible so that they get baked evenly and don't end up too burnt on one side, I mean they are even good burnt but :D

Then you're going to coat them in a little bit of salt I used 2 pinches of salt for 1 sweet potato just for reference. Then I laid some baking paper onto my baking sheet and started to lay my sweet potatoes chips on there. Try to fit as many as you can, don't overlay them but you can place them quite close to each other because they are going to shrink as the excess moisture comes out of them.

When you're happy with the placement go ahed and put them into the oven for 10 minutes. After ten minutes it's time to turn them over so that they get baked from the other side as well then pop them in for 5-10 minutes, keep checking them.

 After 10 minutes most of them should be done, this is very individual but if you like your chips to be chewy they should be ready after 20 minutes (if sliced thinly) but if you want them to be really crispy they will probably need 5 more minutes. I left them in for 30 minutes in total but every 5 minutes I checked them and put out those that were already done because they all take different times to get to the desired consistency.

That's it my healthy sweet potato chips that are much better for you than the traditional and are great to be eaten just as is or as a side dish to a steak, or in my case I'm going to be taking for lunch with some canned tuna and other vegetables.
I hope that you liked today's simple and quick recipe until next time :)

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