
Apple Chocolate Cake * RECIPE |

Hello guys,
today i would like to share with you a recipe that I really love and enjoy making. The recipe is going to be a take on a quick easy apple chocolate cake. I love it so much because it reminds me of christmas with its cinnamony flavor, its juiciness because of the apples inside of it and its richness because of the amount of cocoa powder that's in their. Another thing that is great about this recipe is, that it's not that bad for you. My mom and I we modified this recipe and made it a little more healthy and guilt free, of course it's still a cake but I think that couple pieces for breakfast never killed anybody :D

So let's get right to the ingredients:
300 g of wholewheat flour
150 g of coconut sugar (try to adjust this by tasting the batter cause it depends on the apples you're                                            using too)
3 tbs of unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tbs of nuts, any kind you like
1/2 cup of oil
1/2 cup of milk
2 eggs
3 apples
1 tbs of baking soda
1 tbs of cinnamon

First of all you're going to start by shredding your apples in a food processor or with a grater, you don't need to peel the apples there is a lot of fiber in the skin, and that's good for you ! Then you're going to shred the nuts also, if your food processor allows you to use it for this step too !

Now transfer your apples and nuts in to a big bowl and add all the ingredients, I'm usually starting with dry ingredients but it's really up to you.

At the end mix everything together until you get a consistency like this, now it's time to taste it if you feel like it's to bitter for you add some coconut sugar is better to start with less because you can add up but if you start with more that's a but more complicated.

Now you're going to evenly distribute the batter in to your desired form we use just a regular sheet but you can use some circular forms also it's going to be thicker like a birthday cake. Set your oven 356 °F or 180 °C and let the cake bake for about 30 minutes, and you're done !

Enjoy your rich, moist, apple chocolate cake that will please the whole family. I even prepared this cake for my classmates in France and everyone loved it so it's French approved we can say I guess :D

Thanks for reading through another one of my recipes, I hope you liked  it and if you try it feel free to post your reaction or advice on how to make this cake even better ! I love learning new stuff so any advice is welcomed :)

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