
My Life in France * PART 9 | quick update

Hello everybody :)
This time I'm going to share with you just some usually unusual days that just appeared occasionally during my 4 month stay in France.

23rd November

I know I said that I'm going to talk about some normal days but I'm not going to start with that kind of one. Not like this day would be extra special like we would go to the south of the France but still we did some interesting things that you don't happen to be a part of everyday.

This a photo from one of the mornings, this is how dark it was I felt like I'm going to school at night.
This a photo from one of the mornings, this is how dark it was I felt like I'm going to school at night.
So the day started pretty normally I went to my classes, 2 hours of math if i may be precise and then we had a little intervention with some organization that gave voluntarily classes of sex education. When I heard about it my first question was like, how old do you think that I am 12 or something ? But really, today's kids know a lot of time more than the adults do in this field and I'm not going to judge if it's a good thing or a bad thing but in a class with a bunch of 16 and 17 yr olds I think it's a little bit late. But one thing that I like about the way it works with sex ed in France is that they also have a class when they were like 14 which sounds more reasonable to me, and it's nice that they are not afraid to talk about it with kids cause not every parent knows how to handle situations like this. In my country there has a been a huge debate over this, whether it should be allowed to teach sex ed at school or not, even though it's technically allowed there is still a lot of controversy and tabu going around this theme which I don't think is necessary especially in this age where information are so easy to get.

But let's get back to what we were doing, in reality we weren't really talking about STDs or contraception like they normally do during these session, we were trying to figure out what love is, what it means etc. For me personally I found this very boring it felt like in elementary but I liked that I could get to know my schoolmates a little bit more and also we had a couple of interesting debates over falling in love, we had people that explained it as a chemistry reaction (you know science specialized class :D) but then we also had people that believed in butterflies in your stomach kind of think. It was nice seeing so many opinions being talked about in a very friendly manor without judging.

After this 2 hours long session it was time to grab some lunch, my favorite part of the day, and my last class for the day awaited me. I think it was French which was one of my least favorite subjects during my stay just because of our teacher she just didn't know how to make the subject interesting we were just counting down minutes until she finishes.

It was Monday so I finished at 1 45pm and headed right home by walk of course, it was about 4 km :) then I continued in my daily activities I prepared my stuff for Tuesday, called my mum, watched some show and it was dinner time, at about 7pm just to give you an idea. And that's the end of the day for me basically, this is why I haven't done like a daily updates cause my life in France could get a little boring and repetitive sometimes.

24th November

This was our big day, it was the day of the International party or in french our "Fête Internationale" We were preparing for these event for a long time. It wasn't always easy, working with so many people with different opinions and different plans got difficult a lot of times but thankfully we've managed to make our little programme the best we possible could.

My day started pretty normally I had some classes, then went and grabbed some lunch and at about 4pm we had our first full rehearsal ever, to my surprise it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'm a pessimist you know ? But of course it wasn't perfect, we had time just for one more rehearsal so we quickly went over all of our mistakes and we were ready for the final countdown (you get that reference :D)

We still had a couple more hours till showtime so we went to the mall to get some baguettes for a little spread that we made for the reception. Of course it was one month before christmas so the decoration were just everywhere and I had to take a picture in a huge Santa Chair cause why not!

It was showtime, we got dressed, put some red lipstick on cause in our country every traditional dance group wore a red lipstick so that's why. So as you may guessed the programme that our nation prepared was a traditional dance and some home made goodies for everyone to taste during the reception. The whole event went well, I'm going to share some pictures with you down below just to give you an idea.

The fun part, and the best part started right after our programme where we could finally display our work we prepared a cheese spread made out of something that's a cross between cream cheese and cottage cheese I would love to share a recipe with you but I don't think that you would be able to get your hands on our traditional cheese. Then another thing we prepared is our traditional Apple Poppy Seed cake or Maková Štrúdla in Slovak, and the last thing that we decided to make a tasting of were our little gingerbreads that we bake around christmas time :)

Other nations have prepared some amazing stuff also there were some Pirôžky filled with apples and cinnamon made by our Polish friends. It's similar to a dumpling we make them around here to but with a jam filling and a poppy seed sprinkle on top.

So these were some of these unusually usual days that made my stay worth it :) I hope that you liked reading this post :) That's all for today until next time, Bye.

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