
My Life in France * PART 14 | Best of France

Hello everybody,
today I'm bringing you the last part of my Life in France series. I would like to finish this series on a positive note and talk about things that I really enjoyed during my stay that just didn't fit in to any other post that I've posted. So let's get right in to it.

First thing that I love and will always be in my heart is my hometown Saumur. The place that I called home for the past 4 months. From the moment I crossed the bridge that is leading to the city and saw our castle I was just astonished by the beautiful architecture of this city. The historic feeling I had every time walking in the old streets of Saumur.
It's not a big city, it's completely different from cities like Paris or Bordeaux or any other big city but it's special in it's own way. Even though it's small my friends and I we never got bored we always had fun discovering new places, finding new things to do. The first time that we decided to change our usual route we finally came to a conclusion that we're settles in this city because we can change routes without getting lost :D It was a big milestone for us.
If you ever visit my city you will be pleasantly surprised by the gorgeous castle, by one of the most popular rivers in France, Loire, and the world known Cadre Noir which is a place for horse training and everything that has something to do with horses !

Another thing that I recommend everybody that visits Saumur is the amazing chocolate shop Barre de Chocolat, Oh my gosh the chocolate there is like the best thing you'll ever drink. It' so rich, creamy full of flavor and the price if you're a student you'r going to pay just 2 EUR for a small chocolate but don't be fooled a small chocolate means like a normal cup full of this yummy liquid that just screams drink me. And if this isn't convincing enough, with every hot chocolate you get a free praline of your choice and they really have like a billion of chocolates to choose from. They also sell of their products so you can bring a little bit of this french chocolate flavor to your home, I got about two packets of chocolate pralines because they are amazing full of flavor and homemade. Usually when you go there for a cup of hot chocolate they are making new pralines right in front of you. It's like magic, really !

The last thing that really stood out for me during my trip is my host family. I know I have already talked a lot about them but I just cannot be thankful enough for all the gifts that this family has gave me. I have earned something more than just an accommodation I have gained a second family ! I felt so welcomed in this family, every dinner I was considered as a guest, I could serve myself first. When my sisters got money to buy books I received some money also even if I didn't ask for it at all ! They are just one of the most generous people I have ever met. Of course everyone has it flaws we had some ups and downs but I think that I had a family that suited me, that felt like it was made for me. I have been to so many places just because of this family, I definitely don't take this for granted.

So that's how I would end this series, I have spent some beautiful moments while I was in France. At the same time there were times where I just wanted to by ticket straight home. People that have never left their home will probably never understand the feelings I have been going through, so I hope that my little series showed you the good the bad and the ugly sides of going abroad. Many people have asked me If I'd do this again, and my answer is definitely yes, mainly because of the experience you're going to receive. It's something that people won't take from you :) Thanks for sticking with me during this series I hope that it was at least a little bit fun to read because I had so much fun writing about my journey and reflecting back on all the moments that I have spent in France.

Bottom line, if you ever get the chance to something like this, go for it,  you're not going to regret it :)

Thanks again for reading, bye !

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