
My Life in France * PART 7 | trip to Angers

Hello everybody,
the nice thing about living in a foreign country is that there are millions of new places to explore and of course you want to see them all :D unfortunately even though i was in France for 4 months I just scraped the surface because there are so many things i would still like to visit, maybe next time. But today I would like to talk to you a little bit about a trip that my Slovak, Czech friends and I planned and also one of our friends from Slovenia.

9th October

It was a beautiful early morning when my host dad left me in front of our school and I left for an another adventure, this time just with friends. So as I said we met in front of the school and then we went straight to the train station, while we were walking past the biggest bridge in the city i just couldn't help myself and snap a picture of this beautiful morning the sky was full of colors simply amazing. 

After couple minutes of walking we arrived to the train station and took a train straight to Angers. Trains are really the best way to travel in France they are quick, comfortable and not that expensive, really. The whole ride was about 20 minutes long, the train stopped right in the city center so everything that we wanted to see was couple minutes away. We haven't really planned the trip so right after we arrived we didn't know what to do but luckily one of us had GPS so we just listened to his phone and followed it was quite funny :D I forgot to mention that we planned our visit on Friday when we didn't have school so the city was like a ghost town really cool cause we could easily move without any crowds. The only thing we came across was this shopping cart in the water :D I don't know if this was a part of some sort of exposition but it certainly caught my attention.

While we were discovering the city we even came across this exposition, that consisted of paintings that were painted by people that lived in the neighborhood, such a great idea ! Then we headed to the biggest church from which you have basically a view on the whole city, stunning. 

Of course we had to take a stop at the castle, if i have to be honest I have seen some nicer castles but this one was alright also.

After this little "guided" tour of the city it was time for my favorite part, lunch and shopping. We went to this nice looking restaurant and we sat outside on the terrace because it was still pretty warm outside. We decided to get some pizza, and we picked some interesting flavors also. I had one that was just traditional 4 cheese one but my friends got one with potatoes, or smoked salmon or prosciutto with honey. Such an interesting combination, but they were all super good.

Now with our tummies full we were ready to take care of some serious business, I mean shopping. Angers is really a great place to shop, there are many cool shops including Zara, Pimkie, Kiko, Promod and the famous Galerie Lafayette that Paris is so famous for. For me I got a pair of trousers in Promod and a lip liner in Kiko we also went to Galerie Lafayette where I've got a blouse for my mum but really we were there just to look around and dream that one day we're just going to shop there everyday brands like Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger or others. Really an enchanting place to walk around but super expensive even the sale section.

As usually everything fun and good has it's end, it was time to take a train and go home. This was one of my favorite trips during my visit in France because I was able to spend some quality time with my friends and really have fun ! 

Thanks a lot for reading another part of my life in France, I hope you liked it, until next time, bye :)

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