
My Life in France * PART 8 | Vacances de Toussaint

Hello everybody,
today I have an article for you that i have been waiting to share with you, just because i'm going to talk about one of my favorite parts of staying in France - Holidays !

In France they have about 4 main holidays, each of them consists of two weeks of free time just for you and your Netflix binge watching :D Not this time, my host family is super active and they do travel a lot so logically they have planned a trip for me. I'm so thankful that my host family allowed me to visit so many places during my visit because i know that not everyone has had this kind of experience.

The plan for this holiday was the southern part of France, the city was called Narbonne-plage and it's basically a popular place during summer ti visit with the whole family but really in winter it's quite dead :D Even though many people would find it depressing that there were no people on the beach but I find it very peaceful and calming it's hard to describe but i really loved waking up to the sound of the sea and that salty humid air that we're all used to. We were invited to this beautiful town by Grandmother of my host sisters, she is such a lovely lady, she was very nice to me and really took care of my as if i was her granddaughter.

21st October

Our journey started by taking a 7-hour long trip from Saumur to Narbonne-plage basically across whole France! It was challenging sometimes because i was stuck between two girls in the back of the car so you can imagine that it wasn't very comfortable but I managed to somehow survive with an assigned book (Rhinocéros by Ionesco very weird book full of paradoxes) and a bunch of crosswords. We arrived at about 6 pm so it was pretty late to do anything and we were really tired so we just went to bed.

22nd October

Our second day started of with a little walk by the shore, it was amazing, sun was shining there was absolutely no wind and it was pretty warm actually ! We've even seen Spain from the beach it's so close just an hour from the borders.

After our little morning "workout" we decide to explore the city center, It wasn't anything special or mind blowing but it wasn't bad at all I just love discovering any type of city even if it's a little boring. Just to help you imagine the situation, many older people on France move to the south so there are a lot of city like Narbonne that is full of older people so it has a little slower life rhythm and not very energetic atmosphere, certainly not for those of us who like to party. We took a little walk in the city center and decide to go and get some lunch which was really delicious we has some raviolis with pesto and tomato sauce, really good :)

23rd October

Third day, we went to an art gallery, a very abstract one, till this day i don't know what to think about it but I'm going to share some of my favorite pieces of the exposition. The same day we went to place where they extract salt, I've never seen it before so I was quite interested, but at the end it wasn't anything thrilling. There were just couple of "lakes" i suppose we can call them that were a little red in the corners. It wasn't anything special but still it was a nice place to walk around we've even seen some flamingos.

24th October

This was our last day another 7 hour long road awaited us. This time I felt like it took a lot more time than the last time. I just wanted to leave the car and never enter again :D But finally at around 9pm we arrived and i was able to get some rest and some Pizza !

25th October till 1st November

During this period I pretty much enjoyed my holidays and watched all the shows that I've been missing on :D I know it's not a very productive way to spend time but I am human okay ? :D

So this is it, our trip to or better said my holidays , I hope that I showed you another part of France that I discovered during my stay at France and that you enjoyed reading through my journey :)

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