
My Life in France * PART 11 | Last days in school

Hello guys!
I haven't talked about school in a while so i decided to share with you my last days, my goodbyes and last kisses on the cheeks. I'm not going to lie i wasn't especially close with everybody in the class but still I have met a couple of new friends that are going to stay in my heart forever.

16th December 

On Wednesday my class decided to make a little goodbye party for me,they brought some snacks and cakes too,I have prepared something also. I'm going to share the recipe for this one because it's super simple yet very tasty and full of flavor.

My farewell party wasn't anything big it was just one hour with my class, officially it was supposed to be an hour with our head teacher where we discuss our problems or any problems with class that may appear during the week. Our teacher was a physics teacher so of course she couldn't help herself but to start talking about physics, At the end all the time that was left for me was just 15 minutes plus our 20 minutes pause. Even though we were quite limited on time and my classmates were quite angry for what the teacher has done but we still enjoyed our last moments together. We still had the rest of the week ahead of us but this was the official way of saying goodbye to me. Even my history teacher reached out to me and said that I was one of his favorite students. He was one of my favorite teachers also :) all of my classmates also signed my picture with them which I still keep on my shelf. I smile everyday when I look at our group photo.

From this moment it started to feel very real, me leaving, probably never seeing these people again. It just left me sad a little bit, but at the same time i was excited to meet my family and friends again and return to my normal life. After this little "party" I headed right home cause on Wednesdays my school finished at 11 am, how cool is that ? And my day pretty much continued as usually, except that this day was actually the packing day, I talked about it a little more in my packing post that' s filled with some tips and tricks on how to pack if you're interested in that.

17th December

On Thursday we had a normal school day with the exception of our little goodbye party with other international students, we brought some food like chocolate, cakes and some chips that were cheeseburger flavored ! they really tasted like cheeseburgers ! 
We also sang some christmas carols and shared our last thoughts with everybody. The feeling that everything is ending stroke me again. After this sentimental reunion we headed for the christmas lunch which was amazingly delicious we had some foie gras as appetizer but you could pick some smoked salmon also, for the main course we had some chicken with a sauce that I couldn't identify what it was but it tasted like mushrooms. To go with it we had some potatoes and apples it was so good and full of flavors the sweetness of the apples complimented the saltiness of the meat very nicely. For dessert we had 3 different types of cake to choose from, I chose a strawberry one it wasn't bad but it wasn't my favorite either.

18th December

This was our official last day of school this was the last time that I stood in front of our school gate , my last lunch in this amazing school it all felt surreal to me.

Not even that this was a special day for us because we were leaving but it was a special day for others also. It was a day dedicated to tolerance and acceptance we were divided in to 3 groups. Each group had 3 meetings with some influential people. My first meeting was with a lady that dedicated her whole life in to helping disabled people that live in special communities where they can live together and participate at some everyday activities together also. During her presentation i had a very weird feeling because on one hand she was someone to look up to. Everyday she helps to make life of others more beautiful and tolerable even though some of her clients have diseases that are really complicated. On the other hand I felt sorry for her because she sacrificed her whole family and social life just for this work that i think is not paid extremely well also. For her it was her destiny to help people that' s what she said to us. I cannot imagine going through something like this every day she' s definitely a great role model if you ask me.

Our second meeting was with two lovely ladies that were presenting autism to us. It was very eye opening, it really showed me how easily everyone of us can be influenced by this syndrome. I have learnt so much about it because both the ladies had personal experience with this syndrome. I definitely think that it made me think more about people with this syndrome and how to treat them and help them to make it a little bit more comfortable for them. I really loved that this school shares so much awareness every year each time dedicated to a different disease or syndrome or disability.

Our last presentation which i didn't particularly liked and found helpful was our meeting with the priest. First of all i' m not a religious person bur i try to accept others as much as i can, i'm still working on it, its one of my resolutions every year, to judge less. This time the priest was talking about abortions which i found kinda of said and strange because it was couple days before Christmas I didn't enjoy it at all, but then he started talking a little bit about his traveling experience and that caught my attention a little bit,

Thankfully this was the shortest of them so at about 12 we headed to lunch with my schoolmates normally i went to lunch with my Slovak friends but this time even the girls that don't usually go to lunch decided to go with me just to give me a proper farewell or better said bon voyage. They were so nice i even got a shopper bag from one of my friends, it was super nice of them. Then we talked a little bit and it was time to go watch a theatre play that was performed by an actress from Angers that had a syndrome where you' re a lot smaller than everyone around you. It was nice, she basically told her whole story of how she overcomes everyday obstacles and everyday questions of people about her height. It was very inspirational because she traveled with this play all around the world. This is just an another example of how a small person can rule the world.

Now came the saddest moment of all we had to say goodbye to all of of our friends, everybody. I really hope that i will be able to see them again one day. They all said that i'm welcomed if i' m going to need some accommodation but with my host family i think that's the least to worry about.

That's it, believe me that even though I'm writing this one month after this whole goodbye think i still feel very emotional. I'm so thankful that during my stay I have met mostly nice people that tried to help me :) 

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