
RECIPE * Buttery Cabbage Pasta |

I hope that you're having a wonderful week so far ! Today I've decided to bring you one of my favorite recipes for one of our traditional dish that is prepared for centuries here where I live. It's going to be a recipe for this buttery, cabbage pasta that is just so tasty and very versatile actually because it can be prepared in many ways, today i would like to focus on my favorite variation of this recipes.

This recipe is quite simple and doesn't require a lot of ingredients this fact comes from the fact that this dish was prepared mainly in times where there was a lot of poverty because it was cheap to prepare and most of the families already had everything they needed at home, or in their gardens.

For this recipe you will need:
1 medium sized cabbage
1 onion
500 g of pasta
1 tsp of ground black pepper *
2 tsp of sugar *
1 tsp of salt *
1 tbs of butter (you can add more if you want it more creamy)
*adjust to your liking, everybody likes it differently

To spice up this recipe you can use some bacon cut to bite size pieces, they will add a lot of flavor and they will replace the oil in this recipe

You're going to start by cutting your cabbage in to small pieces you can use a food processor to ease up the process. Go ahead and cut your onion also.

Heat up the oil in the pan and add your onions. After you see the onion turning a nice gold color you can add the cabbage. Mix in your salt, sugar and pepper. Put a lid on your pan and wait for the cabbage to cook a little. Add some water if you feel like the cabbage it's too dry and that it's burning.
Cook for 30 minutes or until tender. Now it's time to add some butter but that's really up to you and your personal taste.

While your cabbage is cooking you can prepare the pasta, just put your pasta in a boiling water with a pinch of salt and cook for couple minutes, follow directions on the pasta.

After your pasta is cooked add it to the cabbage mix well, taste it of course and add any seasoning that you feel like is missing.

That's it your buttery cabbage pasta is done ! Let me know if you tried this recipe for yourself or if you have any advice on making this recipe better :) Don't forget to share this recipe with your friends if you enjoyed making it !

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