
My Life in France * PART 13 | Going Home, Taking a break in Paris

Hello everybody,
this will be one of my final posts about my life in France. It has been a beautiful journey but everything must once come to an end. Today I'm going to share with you how I returned back home. And let's say it right now, it wasn't a short nor easy journey.

21st December
This was the day I was counting the days till, the day when my parents finally arrive to take me home. When I woke up I still had a couple things to pack from my trip to Brittany and then I pretty much done nothing. The time passed really quickly and at about 3pm my parents finally arrived. It was one of the happiest days of my life, I was so thrilled to see them. I was a little bit worried that my host parents and my real parents would just sit quietly because of the language barrier but thankfully everyone in this modern world speaks english and all the nations can unite ! I was very lucky that I had a host family that spoke english really well cause in France there are still so many people that don't speak or better said don't want to speak French they would prefer that everyone would learn French instead but that's not happening anytime soon, i guess. But back to the whole evening, after my parents relaxed a little bit after the 17 hours long drive we headed to the town I wanted to show them every corner of the city that I called home for 4 months. Of course I started off with my school then moved to the castle and finished at one of my favorite places a chocolate shop, where they make just the most creamy, delicious, tasty hot chocolate and the best part of it, is that you get a little chocolate praline for free ! Unfortunately the weather wasn't really on our side it was raining the whole time so we decided to return. Then it was time for the dinner, my host dad made some home made lasagna with home made pasta ! he's just the best even if he's annoying sometimes when he cooks he does it well ! The whole dinner was amazing we were discussing during the whole dinner in all 3 languages I was speaking in Slovak, English, French while translating Slovak in to French and English back to Slovak, I think there must have been steam coming out of my head. The only bad thing during the dinner was the fact that my dog doesn't like to be closed in a separate room especially if he doesn't know the place. We managed to eat without him he was very polite because he let us have a calm dinner but after that I just had to go and get him out of that room otherwise he would scratch a hole in the door :D (he's a Chihuahua)

After the dinner we went straight to bed cause my parents were super exhausted and we were leaving quite early in the morning also.

22nd December
We woke pretty early at 8 am, first we had an amazing breakfast we had some crepes with jam, delicious :) Then it was time to say goodbye, the family said one thing to my parents that I will never forget :" You are very lucky that you have a daughter like Katie" I cried almost, they are just too sweet ! We said our last goodbyes and it was time to close another chapter of my life, a chapter that was mostly full of happy moments that I'll never forget.

It was time to hit the road again for another 3 hours this time cause we were taking a break in Paris. We were a little unsure till the very last moment if we're going to visit Paris but at the end we just went for it. We arrived to Paris at lunch time so our first stop after trying to find a parking stop was some place to eat. I don't eat very often at McDonald's but with a dog and with the prices in restaurants in Paris this seemed like the best option. I can never say no to a good McWrap :D While we were trying to find one we've seen the tour eiffel because we parked our car like 10 minutes from it, another thing that we've seen was Champs Elysées, cause I remembered that not only there is like a hundred of shops but there's also a McDonald's there and luckily I was right.

Our next stop after lunch was Louvre, a big dream of my father, it was the first time for him visiting Louvre. He wanted to visit it so bad mainly because of the movie Da Vinci's Code which we all love in our family. We took some pictures and went to do some shopping on the Rivoli street. I've found a great deal at Forever 21 2 pairs of Jeans for just $16 and a shirt dress in Zara for $15 dollars also.

We had a very little time so we had to rush to the eiffel tower again because I wanted to go on the very top of the tower. It was amazing, the view was just so cool, the weather was nice so we could see everything from the top. The only problem was the wind that was just horrible, I thought I'm going to fly away from the top. But it was all worth it for that unbelievably beautiful view.

Last part of the road for this day was to go from Paris to a little city near French borders with Germany where we stayed for the night. The last minutes of the road weren't easy my father was just really tired but somehow we arrived in one piece, never want to do it again.

23rd December
We woke up at 6am, after a very short 4 hour sleep it was time to hit the road for another 8 hours again. But first we started our day off with an amazing breakfast. It was a buffet style so you can imagine how much food to pick from was there.

We left the hotel at 7am and were on the road for a couple of hours until stopping at a little gas stop just to grab something for lunch. After our quick break we went straight to Parndorf which is an outlet city near Bratislava, we didn't had a lot of time just about an hour so I bought just some essentials and it was time to leave. Our last stop before heading home was Ikea to get a good warm dinner finally !

We arrived home at 10pm and it never felt so good. Suddenly after I opened the door everything felt like it was supposed to feel ! I was at home !

So this is it the end of my French Journey, probably the last post that I'm going to do about France is going to be about my favorite things from France :) Thanks for reading, Bye

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